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4 Things Men Want When It Comes to Their Marriage Proposal

 Partners always promise many things before marriage .  You never know what will happen in the future as you are going to marry a freaking stranger. It’s only after marriage when you will see the real face of your partner. Here are four things to look to your partner before you marry her. Her mutual understanding. Mutual understanding is always the main backbone of every happy relationship. Through mutual understanding, peace and wisdom are enhanced. It will help both sides to initiate the opportunities for peace, stability, and mutual benefit. Her relationship with her parents. Many women tend to mask their behaviors to their partners. They hide it so that they can make things work easily as they planned. It’s good to know your partner's relationship with their parents to avoid troubles in your marriage. It will also help you know her characters well when she is at home and when she is with you. Weigh up your relationship . It’s always good to weigh up your relationship befor...
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Advantage And Disadvantages Of A Commuter Student: Expectations vs. Reality

                   Advantages of being a commuting student Break monotony: Commuting students are lucky because they are able to break monotony involving campus environment. They have environments where they spend their time. This can boost their performance since they can choose where to stay. Time with family: Commuting students have the opportunity to spend time with their families after class work. Family is considered one of the crucial parts of a student life. They can also hangout with them as much as they want. Save money: Commuter students have the chance to save on their spending. Buying a meal at lunch, paying for accommodation. The student can choose his or her lifestyle hence save a lot on lifestyle influence expenses. Focus on study work: Commuting students are able to focus more on their studies .This is because they know they limited hours of accessing resources at school hence they utilize them efficiently. Double life...

Respect To Our Parents.

                                  RESPECT TO OUR PARENTS We spend a lot of time praying that God will bless us. Praying earnestly for blessings.  We fast several times a month. We embark on doing great things to entice God to bless us.  We still find that blessings are not forthcoming. Do you take time to know why? What do you think is the problem? One singer by the name Watoro Wa Mother got a revelation that is based on the Bible. Lets us read  Mat 15:3 Jesus replied, "And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition?  When did you tithe to your parent? That is why you can pray and don’t succeed.  The Bible also indicates that parents are our second God here on Earth. Do you give them that respect close to that one you give to God?                     REASONS TO RESPECT OUR PARENTS Success in life.  Ou...

Volunteer Review of Mixed Blessing by J. M Muse by Dorcas Chege

In the current times, we have witnessed racism in America and South Africa. The race is still a problem even where almost all countries are civilized and well educated. This book clearly creates a vivid description of whether race is real. A mixed-race faces a lot of prejudice.  Harsh treatment and discrimination because of their skin color.  I am enticed by the title of this book Mixed Blessing. I start reading the book. We find this question is race real? How do we associate race with blessings? Kimberly is a beautiful young lady born out of two races. She is in the pursuit of love in a world where being born from mixed-race rules out the possibility of having a great and fulfilling future. This book is divided into many sections introducing different themes in each chapter. This makes it more interesting and educative on how whites perceive blacks and vice versa. We also find a chapter where race is manipulated by two churches to gain political influence and affluence. ...

Don’t Make These 6 mistakes When Travelling Dangerous Places

    Lack of Enough Research Do intensive research before deciding on your destination. This is a key factor when avoiding dangerous destinations. Read reviews on your travel destination.  For example, Death Valley in the U.S.A is one of the most spectacular and most breathtaking expanses in the world.   Lack Of Unexperienced Guide For a traveler it is crucial to hire an experienced guide. This is important especially if you are new to your destination. For example, scheduling a visit to the Africans Danakali Desert requires an experienced guide.   This is because survival in this desert can mean the difference between life and death. You will also be harmed against a desert illness that rapidly occurs.  Ignoring Local Dangers  Identify what  are safe hours to travel in that place. For example, is it safe during the day? You should also be updated about the security details of that area to know if it is possible to visit t...